Thursday, 29 November 2018

“आता विसव्याचे क्षण”.(It is Time to Rest)

Getting up early, as is normal, provides time to think. This is more true when we are only two people at home. 

Such thinking is clouded by recent happenings of course. Only good with me is, I am normally thinking positive and constructive. Now, do not take me to be one who is in perpetual state of blowing his own trumpet. But it is good to do occasionally.

Today’s thoughts revolved around psychology of old age and psychological needs of such “old” people. I wonder if I may be included in that age group.

And as usual, I found there is a specialised branch of study. Psychology of old age is called “Geropsychology” and the branch of study “Gerontology”. Impressed by the findings? Then read on.

Psychology of "Aged" gets affected by:
  • Failing Mental capacity,
  • Failing Physical health,
  • Issues related with Financial stability,
  • Challenges of Emotional stability,
  • Feelings of insecurity.

Whereas physical, financial and mental challenges are very evident and can be easily understood, the emotional aspect is one which younger ones/ care givers may not be able to pay attention to. Such feelings, mainly related to feeling of insecurity, get manifested in behaviours which are difficult to fathom. 

Commonly observed behaviour may include:
  • Worrying about everything, at times not acknowledging that they, the aged, can not control the situations they are in;
  • Frequently changing residence;
  • Seeking information about things repeatedly;
  • Sabotaging relationships for no evident reasons;
  • Constantly feeling that others around are talking bad about them;
  • Wondering if they offended anyone or made someone angry;
  • Clinging to some one whom they consider trustworthy;
  • Trying to impress people around them to ensure they are valued, but feeling like an imposter inside;
  • Afraid of being left alone;
  • Showing jealousy for relationship of people around, with others;
  • Over-reactions to situations; etc.

Some recent instances and my responses made me wonder if I was demonstrating any or all these behaviours, and that I am old. I do realise I am demonstrating one behaviour (in bold) of those listed above. The knowledge of such demonstrated behaviour does help me remain emotionally stable.

This introspection leads me to conclude that need for me to be valued is the one I should get over quickly, if I do not want to be an emotional wreck. And I need to think about how to overcome that need.

“Sthitapragnya” is the state "Aged" should achieve. And 54th verse of Chapter 2 of Bhagwat Geeta has suggested:

यदा संहरते चायं कूर्मोऽङ्गानीव सर्वश: |
इन्द्रियाणीन्द्रियार्थेभ्यस्तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता ||

This means:

"One who is able to withdraw the senses from their objects, just as a tortoise withdraws its limbs into its shell, is established in divine wisdom."

Can I be that Tortoise? Is the question. 

And how can others around me help in my reaching that state is the question for all care givers. I do hope people around me will understand me and help me achieve that state.

And as providence wanted to provide me with simpler answer, I received this soulful rendering by Lata Mangeshkar “आता विसव्याचे क्षण”.

The pathos rubbed in royally.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Harmony: my true motivator

I alluded to a Gallup tool named “StrengthsFinder 2.0”, which is used to help one realize what are those talent themes which she/he uses more frequently and are seen as her/ his areas of strengths, in one of my missives some time back. I was trying to relate one of the top five themes identified by StregthsFinder 2.0 with my genes.

Gallup psychologists say these talents are innate and do not vary over a period of time. One may use them with varying frequency though. And this later part is my addition.

The report provided by Gallup in 2014 mentioned:

“Your Top 5 Themes

Whereas I could readily accept others, I hesitated in accepting “Harmony” as my talent and hence strength. Psychologist who counselled me tried to convince me that Harmony was a talent and that in some groups I was being seen as one trying to maintain harmony. I remember, I had agreed reluctantly.

The detailed report provided following explanation in relation to subject theme, and I quote:

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Harmony theme look for consensus. They don’t enjoy conflict; rather, they seek areas of agreement.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights
What makes you stand out?
Chances are good that you periodically rely on the expertise of others to identify the proper solution, decision, or manoeuvre. Perhaps you feel a bit more sure of yourself when a specialist approves your plan before you start something. Once in a while, you hope one of them says, “You have made the best possible choice.” To some extent, you may trust them to be more knowledgeable than you are in certain situations. Instinctively, you may get people to like you by finding something everyone can agree on. Perhaps this is one way you reduce conflict between yourself and others. It’s very likely that you help keep the peace on your team by doing your share of each day’s assignments. You generally perform your tasks so no one in the group has to do chores you overlooked, ignored, or forgot. Because of your strengths, you perform today’s tasks and meet today’s challenges today. Because you refrain from putting things off, your own and others’ lives automatically become easier. No time, energy, or brainpower is wasted quarrelling, fussing, fuming, or blaming. By doing what is practical and feasible right now, you probably create a sense of calm and a spirit of cooperation within individuals or groups. Driven by your talents, you characteristically look for practical explanations to inform your thinking. Armed with this information, you can treat people, groups, programs, or budgets equally.”

I have been observing my behaviour in various groups and have been mindful of what other members have been conveying to me through multiple languages. Whereas I have, since that report, been more and more convinced that “Harmony” is my motivator and my behaviour is caused largely by that motivator, I have not found confirmation of that conclusion in the messages conveyed by many in my various social groups. And that has been my concern.

Time and again the self doubt about my talent of “Harmony” has come to fore and I have felt like going to that counsellor to help me out with most appropriate approach. But that Adult ego, has held me back.

The talent theme under question has been challenged more often in recent past and has again shaken me up. I find myself in such a storm which is not visible and is not touching most around me. I believe, I have failed miserably in retaining the image of being one who promotes “Harmony”.

I have not lost hopes though and have faith in my talent. I will overcome.

Gallup has provided some ideas for action, among many others and I quote:

“Ideas for Action:
  • When two people are arguing, ask others in the group to share their thoughts. By increasing the number of voices in the conversation, you are more likely to find areas where all parties can agree. You can draw people together.
  • Practice your techniques for resolving conflict without confrontation. Without these polished techniques, you might find yourself simply running away from conflicts, leaving them unresolved. This could lead you to passive-aggressive behavior.
  • Be aware that your attempts to create harmony by allowing everyone a turn to speak might actually create disharmony in some people. Individuals with exceptional Achiever talents, for example, may be anxious to make a decision and take action. Learn to briefly yet effectively communicate the value of listening.
  • Deference comes naturally for you. You easily step aside when someone with superior expertise enters. Take the next step by inviting those with greater expertise to consult.”

Let me try out. I will appreciate help in any way to help me practice my talent theme of “Harmony”.