Tuesday 14 May 2024

Be the Best of Yourself: A Journey of Growth

Today it was double whammy. A colleague of mine who achieved a milestone with us when congratulated replied showing her gratitude and thanked for helping "her be the best version of myself".

At the same time, I got an article titled "The Stoic Mindset: How to Use Ancient Lessons to Face Life’s Challenges" in my feed. After explaining what is Stoicism and how stoic mindset in application encourages us to develop self-control, resilience, and the ability to overcome destructive emotions, the author in conclusion advised ""Be your best self". Embracing Stoicism as a way of life is all about becoming the best version of yourself. It’s about realizing your potential and ability to shape your own life. This is harder because it requires consistent thought, action, and execution. But the reward, like living the life you want, is worth it."

That was the trigger. I looked for information which can help us understand what does being the best of ourselves mean and how to be one such piece. In response to my last of a series of questions I found answer in form of an essay, titled "Be the Best of Yourself: A Journey of Growth".

Read on, it could help.

The question of how to be the best version of oneself is a timeless pursuit, a quest that has driven humanity for millennia. It's a call to action that transcends age, background, and circumstance. But what does it truly mean to "be your best self"?

The answer isn't a singular destination, but rather a continuous journey of growth. It's about cultivating a personal compass, one that guides you towards living a life of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. This internal compass draws from various philosophies and experiences, shaping us into individuals who contribute positively to ourselves and the world around us.

Stoicism, a philosophy rooted in reason and virtue, offers valuable insights. The Stoics believed that true happiness lies in focusing on what we can control – our own thoughts, emotions, and actions. By mastering these, we can approach life's challenges with resilience and equanimity. The Bhagavad Gita, a foundational text in Hinduism, resonates with this notion through its concept of Sthitapragya – a person of unwavering wisdom who acts with detachment from outcome. Both philosophies emphasize that becoming our best selves isn't about external validation or attaining a specific goal, but about living with integrity and purpose.

So, how do we translate these grand ideas into everyday life? The path towards becoming our best selves starts with introspection. We must ask ourselves: What are our values? What kind of person do we want to be? What impact do we want to have? Once we have a clearer vision, we can begin to cultivate the necessary skills and habits.

Developing a growth mindset is crucial. This means embracing challenges as opportunities to learn and improve. Rather than fearing failure, we can view setbacks as stepping stones on the path to self-mastery. Stoicism encourages us to practice perseverance, reminding us that even the most accomplished individuals once faced difficulties. Similarly, the Bhagavad Gita emphasizes fulfilling one's Dharma (duty) with unwavering dedication.

However, growth doesn't happen in a vacuum. We need to surround ourselves with positive influences, mentors who embody the qualities we aspire to possess. Building a strong support system provides encouragement and inspiration, and offers valuable perspectives on our journey. Additionally, fostering gratitude for what we already have cultivates a sense of well-being that allows us to approach challenges with a more positive outlook.

Ultimately, becoming the best version of ourselves is not about achieving perfection, but about consistently striving for improvement. It's about showing compassion for ourselves and others, and acting with integrity in our daily interactions. It's about nurturing our talents and contributing our unique gifts to the world. This journey of self-discovery is a lifelong pursuit, one that brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment with every step we take. As we strive to be our best selves, we not only elevate ourselves, but we also inspire others to embark on their own journeys of growth, creating a ripple effect of positive change in the world.

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