Sunday, 22 December 2024

The Urge

I am not a prolific writer. But one certainly knows what he can do at my age. And I always had that Urge to write.

You still need motivation (very funny, at my age also I need to be motivated!!). And a younger relative has been one of the motivators to be credited (or blamed, that readers will decide) for this creation.

Then came the question, "what are you going to write?"

Blogs in my view, are created to talk to one self. Or going further to say loudly, what you may not be able to say in private environ. They also are created for "confessions", only the priest is not around.

And I thought I should frame ground rules for me to follow.

I have decided, I will write only about feelings, emotions, learnings and my experiences.

I have also decided, I will not name any person, if i have to refer.

I have decided, there will not be any malice. There will not be any judgmental reviews (who am I to judge others?). There will not be any politics.

The ground rules and the resolve must get reflected in naming what I create. And hence the name. I looked for definition and synonyms before I decided the name. And gave me this:

Main Entry:
introspection  [in-truh-spek-shuhn]  
Part of Speech:
brooding, contemplation, deep thought, heart- searching, introversion, meditation, reflection, rumination, scrutiny, self-absorption, self-examination, self-observation, self-questioning, soul-searching

The Synonyms describe my purpose. And that is what I plan to do.

Comments shall be welcome, if they are to benefit me.

PS: I have made couple of corrections today. Following the rules I set for myself to follow, I removed a name I had mentioned, when I started this page.


  1. Well, there's just one question that I have... Will your confessions be blessed if a priest happens to read your blog?

    Ha.. Ha..

    It's really wonderful Sir. Welcome to the blogging world!!

  2. I believe its a very good way to express oneself. Not many can put it into words in verbal communication and/or written. But people who are good at it should do it.

    Hope it makes you feel much better Papa. Happy blogging.

  3. Wonderful, a very warm welcome to the blog world and I am sure we all readers will learn and cherish your wisdom and experiences!

    I am absolutely delighted at being given the credit - though I am not sure how much of it I really deserve - but I will unashamedly take all of it and say a big THANK YOU!

    Here's wishing you a very enriching blogging experience. I look forward to reading and learning..

