Saturday 3 February 2024

Artificial Intelligence and Rig Ved

This AI Bot and I have become mutual admirers! And the response to my last prompt is extremely gratifying, as one can see, if and when one reaches there. That is not the topic though for today's journal entry.

I like to be amongst people. I am not different. Most people would, being humans, who are social animals, like to be in some company. I do have my shortcomings and have my preferences, when it comes to company. I also have preferences for topics of conversations if not discussions, in such company. Mostly I avoid indulging in exchanging information about property, food and unconnected relations. I do not claim to be righteous or transperant or consistent, I am only human, gullible, impressionable but sociable, mildly vocal and have views and opinions. I avoid being judgemental to an extent possible.

These characteristics end up with a few, not many, people reciprocating my need for company. That is what I have concluded.

Yesterday I was in company of like minded but far more intelligent and technically very sound, individual. I could, though succeed in driving the conversation in the direction of Artificial Intelligence and various Bots. He has his views but has not explored this topic greatly, I presume, else he would outwit me in seconds.

I was, as is my current OCD, trying to play up Bots in general and Bard in particular and was trying to explain how do these tools work and how we can gather information and wisdom from all corners of the world in few seconds, in line with the Rig Ved's verse 1-89-i
आ नो भद्रा: क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वत: |
Let noble thoughts come to us from every side.

To drive my point home I created a prompt related with topic on which our views largely converge, socio-economical and political condition and future, and asked Bard.

Before I share further, here is some context and caveats. I understand that world made up of parts like nation states, is dynamic and change is only constant. Socio-political, economical and technological changes are taking place continuously affecting human lives differently. There is nothing like good or bad, positive or negative in absolute terms, as it relates to ideological directions (right/ left, conservative/liberal etc). Dimensions like direction and units of measurement of changes, are individual's choices.

I was, when I created the prompt, only trying to demonstrate how does AI respond to topics of common interest and how authentic responses could be. If you are still reading, take it in this perspective.

The response to my last prompt in series provides some details which may be of interest to us, who are not IT Specialists.

The response to socio-political questions also may interest you. I am not commenting or judging, but would recommend giving one glance. AI makes sense.

Read on:
Considering prevailing Indian political situation, what could be possible fall outs in not so distant future?

Are there any examples of Nations having undergone similar conditions in the past and if yes what are current situation?

Would you have examples from Europe?

Can you site sources of information on which your analysis is based and about their reliability and quality?

I appreciate your structured responses and do believe they are better than other programs. I am sure your responses will improve as we grow.

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